
The RHF Board would like to recognize you at the 44th Annual Meeting Banquet for the excellent work you have done on our headquarters building. We will assign a seat for you together with other members of the headquarters building team. At the appropriate time, you will be asked to stand and be recognized by everyone. This is the third project you have done for RHF, and we continue to receive compliments on the appearance of our headquarters office and the artwork.

Laverne R. Joseph, Retirement Housing Foundation®

We are finally in our new space and we love it! We could not have made this move without your generous support. We appreciate your efforts in helping to keep our overhead low and our spirits high as we enter the new Millennium in our beautiful new offices.

We are very grateful for your support and commitment. At our recent fundraiser (A Time for Heroes) your company name and generosity was mentioned on page 25 of the enclosed 1998 Souvenir Ad Book. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed including you in it.

On behalf of everyone at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, thank you for all that you have done for us. Your gift of a wonderful working environment is being enjoyed by all of us.

Janis Spire, Pediatric AIDS Foundation